Friday 22 November 2013

SLM Digest Nov 21st

HOUSING PRESSURES - attention has been drawn to an article on "The Guardian's" website http://www.theguardian.com/politics/2013/nov/20/government-handling-housing-shortage-reviewed that says one-tenth of new house building in the country is destined for London and of that, about one eight will be in Waltham Forest.  Obviously, housing is much needed but we need to be vigilant that it is the right kind of housing and not used as an excuse to gobble up vital green space by property speculators and does not overload the infrastructures of an area e.g. the Essex Wharf scheme.
ALL WE ARE SAYING - IS GIVE GOLF A CHANCE ...  today there is an executive meeting of the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority (LVRPA) - on the agenda is a customer satisfaction report and general how did we do?  Well, regarding the Waterworks, not very well - 17,000 less visits last year for a start.  Campers also not very happy about the hike to the Olympic Park.
PHOTO COMPETITION  "What I love about the marshes" - plans are forging ahead.  We are aiming for a couple of venues to display the photos in the spring.  We will be inviting people to send jpegs and a short caption and statement about their picture and have an on-line poll to shortlist a selection to go a judging panel.  We are aiming to get twelve good pictures for reproduction into a fundraising calendar.  Full details will be put up on the website.
WEBSITE - talking of websites - we are busy updating ours with our new name.  It will have an archive linked to the present site as we are keen to preserve the input of many who helped found the campaign and keep that spirit alive.
MARSHMAN WALK - last Saturday, was attended by about 70 people.  We heard too late, that the Sutton House reading of the book (yesterday) was cancelled.  We'll await further news.
FILM - "Loosing the Marshes" - last week's showing was also very well attended.  SLM is following up opportunities to show the film locally in the near future.
EVENTS - first another reminder of our Cross Marshes Meeting on Sunday 1 December from 2-4 p.m. at Ye Olde Rose & Crown Theatre Pub, 55 Hoe Street, Walthamstow E17 4SA.  Our topics will be the LVRPA commissioned report by the London Wildlife Trust on the state of Leyton Marsh and our response to it and the need for having permanent bio-diversity offices in Hackney and Waltham Forest and also suggest that all officer planning reports should include a statement about bio-diversity.
Waltham Forest Voluntary Action - have lots of good things going on - training, events, job opportunities and their AGM on Thursday 28 November from 5 to 7.30 p.m. at Waltham Forest Resource Hub, 1 Russell Road, E10 7ES  seewww.waltham.forest.volunaryaction.net   Waltham Forest, in common with the whole network of councils for voluntary service/action are really the backbone of the community movement, providing  vital information and training support.
Organic Lea - there will be another open day on Sunday 24th November from 12-4 p.m. at the Forest School. The focus will be on the importance of saving and sharing seeds.  There will be a guided walk for children and an excellent lunch made from locally sourced food.  See their website http://www.organiclea.org.uk for full details and also for news of the Baker's Arms Xmas Fair and job opportunities.
NEXT SLM MEETING - this will be at the new time (for Hackney meetings) 7.00 at the Princess of Wales pub, Lea Bridge Road on Monday 2nd of September.  So we'll be discussing the outcomes of the Cross-Marshes meeting amongst other things.  New people always welcome.  Perhaps you would like to come along and raise any issues that concerns you about the local green spaces and waterways?

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