Saturday 21 December 2013

Free School Update

Dear friends,
Our Community, Our Schools has been busy in the last couple of weeks and there's a lot to report on.
National focus on Free Schools: problems, problems, problems:
Firstly, it's been a hectic couple of weeks in the national debate around Free Schools, with three Free Schools in crisis, a National Audit Office report that exposes the full costs of MIchael Gove's pet project and growing Parliamentary criticism. It's clear to us that the wheels are coming off the Free Schools project fast and it's time for their local supporters to think again. Read more here:
OCOS: Active in our community and making our case nationally:
Supporters of Our Community, Our Schools have been active in the local and national media and taking our case to Parliament in the last couple of weeks. Read what we've been up to here:
DV8: The School that isn't a school:
With all the attention on the Secondary Free Schools it's easy to forget that there is also a proposal for a Free School teaching 16-19 year olds in our borough. You can read our response to this proposal here:
It's the festive season shortly and we'll be taking a break too in order to come back fresh for our plans in the New Year.
But before we do, we'll be launching one more new campaign initiative in the next few days. Watch this space and as ever, thank you for supporting our community schools.
Jonathan White
Scarlet Harris
Alison Emmett
Kiri Tunks
Mark Holding
Tom Davies

and everyone else at Our Community, Our Schools..

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