Wednesday 4 December 2013

Planning Committee 3rd December

Left at 9pm after just 2 items covered. South Grove Car Park was given permission for a Morrisons Store with flats above. A lack lustre debate which merely proved the officers had made no effort to deal with all the issues. They had decided an Environmental Assessment was not needed, the impact of HGV delivery lorries on surrounding roads was ignored. Objectors were concerned at the massing and design.

One of the Labour Councillors had not turned up so was excluded from taking part which meant the committee consisted of 2 Tory, 1 Liberal and 3 Labour (which included the Chair). If Liz Phillips, the Liberal had voted with the Tories it would have needed the vote of the Chair to force it through but instead she sided with Labour so it was approved 4 votes to 2.

The Lincolns Pub site in Leytonstone High Road was objected to on massing reasons so the councillors were struggling to support their electors while wanting more affordable homes. Even an intervention by the local Councillor Clyde Loakes was unable to stop the inevitable. All seven councillors were present this time but for some reason one of them abstained, the Liberal and Tories voted against which meant it was 3 against 3 for so the Chair stepped in and cast his vote in favour so another block of flats is on its way to Leytonstone High Road.

Another less than inspiring evening spent in the Town Hall!

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