Friday 13 December 2013

The other view of the Ray Dudley Way

To whom this may concern

I have lived within Edison close for 15 years and have never witnessed red or blue tape within this visintiy indicating that there has been an incident.
There are a lot of teenagers living in Edison Close or surrounding the close as 15 years ago these young adults where minors.
I do not feel intimidated by these young adults nor have I witnessed intimidation from these teenagers.
I am highly concerned of the ethnicity of the CCTV cameras which are being placed. they are large, vulgar and intrusive!
I have not been contacted by the council to inform me of the new arrangement or have not been informed of any proposed changes to the close regarding the installation of 4 enormous CCTV units.
I have never been asked via door to door survey or written by the council if I feel CCTV would make my neighbourhood safe and secure.
after reading the statements from Sam Russell and Glen Wallis I feel that the reason for the CCTV has come from your local statistics or even targets that had to have been met for the CCTV to be implemented for the councils own agenda.
I have spoken to numerous neighbours and they are disappointed of the lack of information regarding the installations.
The hight of the cameras are very disturbing  to as the cameras can pivit they will be within the view of bedroom windows. this is very intrusive and surely not legal.
the cameras are so tall an offensive I can see the camera poles from Walthamstow train station.
Walthamstow market are able to have discreet cameras which is obviously a place where deterrents should be high and visible CCTV would be accepted unlike Edison close. 

I would propose the cameras be removed until the neighbour hood has agreed to the installation or a more discreet device is placed.

Many Thanks


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