Saturday 4 January 2014

The Community Tree Nursery

t the Community Tree Nursery

[Tree Nursery logo]

Learn how to coppice, and other practical woodland skills, at our Sunday workshops in January and February.

We'll also be doing some clearing ('bramble-bashing') and perhaps some thinning by felling, or ring-barking to create standing dead wood for habitat.

No skills or experience needed; training and tools provided. Dress for working outdoors in the (muddy) woods.
Lunch (hot veggie/vegan food and delicious cakes) laid on.

Sundays  5, 12, 19 & 26 Jan and 2 Feb.
You can opt for as many sessions as you like (but if you book, please do be sure to come).
10 am - 3 pm
Meet at the Tree Nursery at 10.

Places limited - please book atworkshops@km551818.demon.co.uk

Coppicing is the management of forest trees so that they give a regular crop of poles (for fences, trellises, broomsticks etc). Cutting them to the ground every few years promotes re-growth, creates bushy habitat for small birds, and extends the lives of short-lived trees like hazel. We've been coppicing Wick Community Woodland for some years now and you can see the effects.

Workshops funded by Re:Leaf

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