Monday 20 January 2014

Time to stop the bookies?

More Bookies Proposed for Wood St: Register Your Views with Licensing ASAP!  
Many residents have been in touch with me in recent months, concerned about the growing numbers of bookmakers on our local high streets which they believe are causing anti social behaviour as well as blocking other shops from entering our local street scene. This is something Waltham Forest Council is committed to challenging and they have asked for residents to express their views on a new application which has been made by bookmakers William Hill for the premises at 108 Wood Street - The Winners Lounge. Any local resident can lodge objections to this proposal -which will require the council's licencing committee to approve it - by contacting the committee through 
susan.leacock@walthamforest.gov.uk. Objections to these developments can be quite simple; for example if your concern is protecting children you could simply say you object on this basis. For more details on this and other developments please contact Susan on the above address.  

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