Saturday 1 March 2014

Alterations to London Plan consultation

Dear friend

On behalf of Just Space, I would like to invite you to 2 events about the alterations to the London Plan.  The alterations are out for public consultation with a deadline of 10 April 2014.  Please sign up now - they are free events but booking is required.

1. Just Space and London Forum are working with the GLA planning team to put on an Introductory event at City Hall on Thursday 6th March from 3 pm - 5 pm.  See attached flyer. Bookings to  FALPConsultationEvents@london.gov.uk

2. Just Space is holding a Community Conference on the Further Alterations to the London Plan on Saturday 15th March. This is an all day event with community speakers and topic based workshops.  Full details and a booking link are below.  This event is made possible by the support of UCL Bartlett School of Planning, Trust for London and London Tenants Federation

Date: Saturday 15 March
Time: 10.00am for registration, 10.30am start and runs till 4.30pm
Venue: Directory of Social Change, 24 Stephenson Way, London NW1 2DP
Details: This community-led and workshop-based conference is an important opportunity for community groups to hear about Further Alterations to the London Plan (FALP) and give their input in eight key areas. The reports from this conference will form the basis of Just Space's response to the London Plan and is designed to help groups which want to make their own responses. The more community responses the better - and groups which respond have a chance of appearing at the public hearings in the autumn.

best wishes,

Richard Lee
Coordinator Just Space

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