Saturday 1 March 2014

Footpath update

Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 11:15

Dear Clyde,
Edison Close
Many thanks for the information. It appears that there has been an outbreak of common sense at LOROL at last!
I hope that the Council can now quickly approve the anciliary items in the planning application (signage etc) so that LOROL has no excuse not to get on with those items while it designs and agrees with Network Rail the location of the TVM on the ramp/stairs. I wonder if it might be prudent to approve the entire scheme as considered acceptable back in November before LOROL threw a spanner in the works with a five year condition? Then, if usage of the Edison Close entrance grows as BGORUG believes it will, LOROL will already have permission to install a TVM facing Edison Close should another machine prove necessary.
Ray Dudley Way footpath
It is appreciated that the completion of the footpath is in the hands of Network Rail’s developer at Walthamstow Central and that the Council will provide pedestrian wayfinding signage to TfL’s standard here and throughout the Town Centre AAP area (including signing Willow Walk to Walthamstow Queen’s Road station Edinburgh Road entrance).
BGORUG would however, appreciate the Council and LOROL agreeing to provide a standard LOROL/TfL free standing poster/sign display unit at the Walthamstow Central end of the footpath opposite the Walthamstow Central station entrance which would display a Barking – Gospel Oak line diagram, a London’s Rail & Tube services map and a Barking – Gospel Oak timetable.
Walthamstow Queen’s Road ‘strapline’
You will recall Graham and I discussing with you at our recent informal meeting the need for station name boards on the platforms at Walthamstow Queen’s Road station to carry the ‘strapline’ Alight here for Walthamstow Town Centre. This proposal also received the full backing of the Transport Liaison Consultative Group. I wondered if you had been able to raise this at your recent meeting with the Deputy Mayor for Transport?
Leytonstone High Road station
We also briefly discussed the borough’s other stations on the Barking – Gospel Oak Line at our recent informal meeting and suggested that a line diagram/Rail & tube map/timetable display was also required outside the station facing onto Leytonstone High Road. Perhaps this could also be included with the discussions with LOROL over provided such a unit at Walthamstow Central as outlined above.
Once again, many thanks for keeping us informed and I hope that you will be able to keep us further advised of further developments.
Kind regards
Glenn Wallis
Barking – Gospel Oak Rail User Group
From: Cllr Clyde Loakes <Cllr.Clyde.Loakes@walthamforest.gov.uk>
To: Graham Larkbey; GLENN WALLIS <glennwallis@btopenworld.com>
Sent: Tuesday, 25 February 2014, 8:31
Subject: Re: Meeting

Morning Graham & Glenn

See below for your information.

I'll keep you posted..........I repeat though no formal opening will take place without your groups input and agreed participation........



Queen's Road (New Exeter Roadstation entrance)
As you know, opening of station entrance has been held up by problems in locating a ticket machine in a secure and accessible site.  We have now found a location for a slimmed down version of the ticket machine on the pedestrian ramp leading down to the station bridge (see attached visual).  Furthermore, we have been advised that locating the ticket machine on the ramp will not require planning permission as it is on railway operating land.
As the ticket machine weighs 300Kg, we do need to do a structural test on the ramp and I am waiting for news from our bridge engineer Declan Lynch on how long this will take.  

Sent from my iPad

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