Friday 28 March 2014

News from Save Walthamstow Cinema

EMD/Granada campaign update
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Save WAlthamstow Cinema
Campaign update

Since UCKG's planning Appeal was rejected last May, we have kept in regular contact with Waltham Forest Cinema Trust and the council to find out what is happening, and any ways that supporters can help.

In the last few weeks we have expressed concerns over the lack of news and have asked what condition the EMD/Granada building is currently in. We asked if the Mayor of London has been contacted to assist the cause and if a Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) may be carried out as agreed by the council in principle in December 2012 should a negotiated sale with UCKG fail to materialise.

The Leader of Waltham Forest Council, Cllr Chris Robbins has given us the following reply:

"I can confirm that acquisition of the former EMD Cinema using public funding or CPO powers will be a lengthy process requiring relevant decision making processes and due diligence to be undertaken.

This work is on-going and while it may appear as if little is happening the Council and the Soho Theatre (the lead organisation for the WFCT plans) are meeting regularly to progress this. At this stage we are not involving any other parties such as The Mayor but we have not ruled this out. English Heritage and our Conservation Officer did gain access to the building recently to ensure the building remains wind and weather tight and I can confirm this is still the case."

We have also received this statement from
Waltham Forest Cinema Trust

"We're working with Waltham Forest Council to re-open the building. Our hope is to negotiate with UCKG for a sale but, if not, pursue a Compulsory Purchase Order. It must be stressed, though, that a CPO can only go ahead as a last resort once all other avenues have been exhausted.

We do understand things seem to have gone quiet and progress towards reopening the building is frustratingly slow - but we are moving things in the right direction. We have met with the owners and are in contact with them but at the moment there is a very large gap between the valuation of the building and what they have indicated they would accept to sell it."

At present the Trust has not asked individual supporters for help, however it may be useful in the next few months to remind all concerned just how much support there is for reviving this building as a modern day cine-variety theatre - the purpose for which it was built.
We therefore hope that we may be able to count on you in due course.

With Best Wishes

Thank you for your support

Please email hello@savewalthamstowcinema.org


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