Friday 14 March 2014

Our Schools

Dear friend,
Our Community, Our Schools is launching a new campaigning drive to build support for our community schools and to raise awareness of the risks and dangers of the planned Free Schools in Waltham Forest. Although one planned school has been delayed and another collapsed, a third, run by Tauheedul Free Schools, and a post-16 Free School run by DV8 are still scheduled to open. Our community schools need us more than ever.
We'll be featuring lots of ways you can help your local schools on our website in the coming months, but one immediate thing you could do would be to help OCOS build its campaign and extend its reach. 
We will be launching a new leaflet over the next couple of Saturdays when our supporters join local teachers from the National Union of Teachers, also out campaigning for education as part of their 'Stand up for Education' campaign.  
1. Can you spare an hour to join our supporters at 11am on 15 March in the market square by the big screen? Can you spare an hour on 22 March, same time, same venue? If so, please email wfdefendstateschools@gmail.com to let us know you're coming.
2. Can you take a batch of leaflets to put through your neighbours' doors? If so, email us at the above address and we will get back in touch with you.
Read more, including our new leaflet, on our website, here:
Thanks for your support,
Jonathan White
Scarlet Harris
Alison Emmett
Kiri Tunks
Mark Holding
Mickey Dean
Tom Davies and everyone else at Our Community, Our Schools

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