Friday 21 March 2014

Queens Road to Walthamstow Central Footpath - update

Dear Bryn Jones

There are four elements to completing this link

1.    The opening of station entrance has been held up by problems in locating a ticket machine in a secure and accessible site.  We have now found a location for a slimmed down version of the ticket machine on the pedestrian ramp leading down to the station bridge (see attached visual).  Furthermore, we have been advised that locating the ticket machine on the ramp will not require planning permission as it is on railway operating land. As the ticket machine and base weighs over 500Kg, we are still waiting for confirmation from our bridge designers that the ramp is able support the equipment.  If this is confirmed we will aim to get the station entrance open in time for the completion of the reconstruction of the car park route at the rear of Walthamstow Central station.  

Completing the link requires three further pieces of work.

2.    The installation of new CCTV cameras in the Exeter Road/Edison Road estate.  These cameras with their supporting columns have now been installed and are due to become operational this week.

3.    The path to the rear of Edison Close needs to be tidied up and the fence at the end removed or altered to link up with the proposed path through the car park.

4.    The new pedestrian route through the car park at the rear of Walthamstow Central. The latest on this from Solum Regeneration (the developers of the site) is that it will be completed by May.

Tobias Newland
Transport Planner
Planning Policy and Regeneration
Waltham Forest Town Hall, Sycamore House (Room G08)
Forest Road
Walthamstow E17 4JF,

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