Sunday 9 March 2014

Venues Wanted

From Stella Creasy MP's Newsletter

Venues Wanted: performing Arts School and Church Group 
This week I have been contacted by two local groups seeking a venue space. The first is ' Redemption’, a Christian Church which attracts 100 people.  ‘Redemption’ is currently looking for a hall to hire (preferably Council or Community space) where they can hold their services. ‘Redemption’ normally holds two services on Wednesday from 7pm and Sunday from 1pm. 
Secondly, I have been contacted by a local Walthamstow resident who runs as established performing arts school in Walthamstow serving over 900 people.  For the past 5 years the studio used for the performing arts classes has also been used to house many senior and disable groups.
Unfortunately, these studios have now been earmarked for redevelopment leaving many groups potentially homeless.  
If you can help with rehoming either of these two local groups please get in touch and I will put you in contact with them to discuss. 

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