Friday 28 March 2014

Water Cannon - what is your view?

Dear Adrian,

You might not have seen a water cannon before. They’re like fire engines, except that the high-pressure hose is used to control crowds. Water cannons are used in other countries, but they’ve never been used here.

London Mayor Boris Johnson is trying to persuade the Home Secretary, Theresa May, to allow them on London’s streets.

What do you think? 38 Degrees member Neal Parsons has set up a petition, calling on Theresa May to rule out the use of water cannon for good. Do you agree? If so, you can sign the petition here:

water cannon

Neal argues that:

“The right to protest is one of the most important aspects of our free and open democracy and I believe that the threat of this weapon will be an inhibitor to people of all ages from exercising that right.”

But Boris thinks there is broad support for water cannon. He says:

“No-one wants to see water cannon routinely deployed on the streets of London but ... I have concluded there is broad support amongst Londoners for the use of this measure by the police in limited circumstances.” [1]

So who is right? If you'd like to support Neal’s campaign to stop the use of water cannon, sign the petition here:


Thanks for everything you do,

Andrew, Robin and the rest of the 38 Degrees team

P.S. Neal started his petition on Campaigns by You, a part of the 38 Degrees site where anyone can start and run campaigns on the issues that matter to them. Check out the site or start your own campaign here: https://secure.38degrees.org.uk/visit-cby

[1] Independent, London Mayor backs water cannon use in the capital:

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