Tuesday 15 April 2014

English Heritage Awards

Subject: English Heritage Angel Awards 2014
Dear Mr Stannard

The 2014 English Heritage Angel Awards are now open for applications and this year’s awards ceremony will be even more special than ever – an evening red carpet event at The Palace Theatre in London on Monday 3rd November.  So, do please nominate people you know who deserve recognition for rescuing our heritage. Or, if you or your organisation has been directly involved, don’t hold back – apply on your own behalf.

Applicants will be in with the chance of having a short film specially made about their project and getting lots of other publicity not to mention being centre-stage with Andrew Lloyd Webber and his team of celebrity judges at the awards ceremony and attending a special reception after the show.

The Angel Awards are for:

 - the best rescue or repair of a historic place of worship
 - the best rescue of an industrial building or site
 - the best craftsmanship by a trainee or apprentice employed on a heritage rescue
 - the best rescue of a listed building, scheduled monument, registered garden, landscape or battlefield, protected wreck or conservation area. 

Apprentices, Trainees and Young People Involved in Heritage Rescues

This year, we’re particularly looking for exceptional trainees or apprentices for the Best Craftsmanship Angel. And across all the categories, we’re asking people to let us know if there was anyone, aged 15-24 involved in their project who deserves recognition. It won’t always be the case, but if there was a young person involved who showed particular passion and dedication, there’s a special section on the application form where you can tell us about him or her. 

How to Apply

To be eligible for the Awards, the heritage site must be designated as nationally significant, and be, or have been, at risk from neglect or decay. Your rescue project must have been completed since 2008 or currently be well underway. More information and the all-important application form can be found here, or if you have any questions on how to apply, please contact us at:  angels@english-heritage.org.uk

The deadline for applications is midnight on Sunday 1st June 2014.

The Angels team, English Heritage

The English Heritage Angel Awards are co-funded by the Andrew Lloyd Webber Foundation. www.andrewlloydwebberfoundation.com

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