Saturday 3 May 2014

New Waltham Forest Community Newspaper

Dear All,
Next week we're having our first meeting about the new Waltham Forest Community Newspaper.
The meeting takes place on Thursday May 8th at The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane, E17 7HA from 6pm until 8pm.
The newspaper will be a 16-page tabloid published quarterly from Summer 2014 onwards. Social Spider CIC is delivering this project as part of WfWellComm CIC, a partnership of six charities and social enterprises based in the borough. 

It will promote the work of local community organisations and voluntary sector groups, along with arts and cultural activities taking place in the local area and will provide an opportunity for local people to express their opinions on what is going in the area.

10,000 copies of each issue will be distributed across the borough.
We're particularly looking for people to get involved as writers but we could also do with some help with distribution and selling advertising. 

Please me know if you're able to attend the meeting next week (or if you'd like to get involved but are unable to attend the meeting) by emailing david@socialspider.com
Please pass this information on to anyone who may be interested.

Social Spider 

David Floyd
Managing Director
Social Spider
The Mill, 7-11 Coppermill Lane
London, E17 7HA

Office: 020 8521 7956 
Mobile: 07789 778 085

Social Spider - Community Interest Company
Helping People Make Change Happen

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