Wednesday 21 May 2014

Walthamstow Wetlands - update

Planning Application

Dear Kelvin,
Sorry for the delay in writing to you.

I don't really have very much to say about the application regarding the Wetlands, though I don't now think it would be appropriate to list me as an objector.
I would still like to speak at the meeting to comment, but I cannot really say I object to the application, having now seen it and had the opportunity to discuss it with you in detail.

The only thing seriously lacking (that I would like to have seen) is some of integration of the pedestrian and cycle routes into the national Sustrans network, and an acknowledgement that the route would be through as well as into and out of the area so far as the 450 or so daily cycling commuters mentioned are concerned, and some idea of how the cycle routes will link to the Mini-Holland scheme for Walthamstow.

The cycle parking provision also seems to be rather low, though I have raised this with the Ferry Boat Inn too so the Stonegate PubCo may well gain a few extra customers!
However, there does seem to be a lack of joined-up thinking here.
Perhaps you could discuss with your colleague Charlotte May.

I will raise these issues at tonight's WF Cycling Campaign meeting.

It is also disappointing that re-opening the pedestrian entrance into the decommissioned Warwick West reservoir area, as requested by the Adler family at Blossom Cottage four or five years ago, does not seem to have been considered.  Could this at least be mentioned as a possibility for future applications (if it isn't outwith your remit)?

That's it!

Please let me know when the Application is going to be determined at Committee.
Thanks for your time and helpfulness.

Please could you ring me to discuss:

 1) Access issues including
 cycling and cycle parking provision, and

 2). Requirement for EIA,
 considering this i is a wetland of world importance under
 the UN's Ramsar Convention.
 Please could you register
 me as an objector for the time being.

 This major application seems
 to be seeking full planning permission without any
 consultation with the general public whatsoever!
 I would like to see the
 plans next week. Please tell me when it would be convenient
 for you to meet me.
 Katy Andrews

 Local Resident, Edward Road

 (and Electoral Candidate,
 Lea Bridge Ward)..
 from Yahoo Mail on Android

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