Sunday 29 June 2014


Jason Hill
Marketing and Communications Officer

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Building Brighter Futures Celebration

8th July 2014, 5-7pm

We are delighted to invite you to a celebration of the work of the Building Brighter Futures Project, which supports children in Waltham Forest who are struggling with their reading.

Children’s literacy charity, Beanstalk, has partnered with The Legacy List to provide one-to-one reading support to primary school aged children across the borough, delivered by trained volunteer reading helpers. As part of the project, children have been invited to take part in a storytelling competition about Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, and we would like to invite you join us to celebrate the first year of this project alongside some of the children who have benefitted from the support and the volunteers who have taken part.

Beanstalk’s vision is a nation of confident children who can read and grow up to lead successful lives.  Within the first year of our partnership with The Legacy List, 66 children in Waltham Forest will have received ongoing support to help improve their reading levels, increase overall confidence and gain vital skills to help them go on to lead successful lives. We look forward to sharing the stories they have created, and celebrating their success.

Please join us on Tuesday 8th July 2014, from 5pm to 7pm, at The Timber Lodge Café, 1A Honour Lea Avenue, Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park

RSVP to rosie.white@beanstalkcharity.org.uk or 07805 813099

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