Sunday 29 June 2014

Death of Richard Pout - railway campaigner

From the Barking - Gospel Oak Rail User Group

With great sadness we have learned of the passing of our Vice-Chair, Richard Pout. Richard died of a heart attack a few weeks ago. He was quite ill and had been waiting for some months for a major heart operation. He was 65 and lived alone near Crouch Hill station. In the late 1990s it was Richard who developed and promoted the concept that in due course became the London Overground of today. Attached is his 1997 leaflet . The attached photo was taken at Railtex last year. He will be greatly missed.

A further statement will be made shortly.

Displaying BGORUG Vice-Chair Richard Pout points out the photo of Walthamstow Queen's Road on the CLESHAR stand at Railtex 2013. 01.05.201

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