Saturday 7 June 2014

Labour's Plans for WF

Stella Creasey MP has published the following message in her weekly email bulltin:

Be Part of Shaping Walthamstow's Future Part 1: Labour's Open manifesto Event  
in the week ahead I will be helping to run two workshops to enable local residents contribute to building a better future for Walthamstow. Firstly ahead of the general election next year, Walthamstow Labour party is asking all those who support Labour to help write their contribution to the Labour Party manifesto process. 
They will be holding a workshop on Saturday 7th June  from 11- 1pm in central Walthamstow. This event is your opportunity to submit ideas for what should be in Labour's manifesto - participants can propose any idea, and together will decide on a shortlist of ten proposals which will then be given to Walthamstow Labour Party General Committee onThursday 12 June to agree. If you would like to join this discussion and participate in this process please get in touch. This is open to any local resident who is not a member of any other political party or who is a member of Labour. 

I have clarified with Stella that this is open to residents in her constituency - which includes Walthamstow E17 and also the whole of Lea Bridge Leyton E10 Ward. Participants also have to be 'supporters of Labour' but I don't now how they will screen that.

Any suggestions for the most important points that should be put to the LP for inclusion in their manifesto?
Is anyone proposeing to attend?


Cllr Chris Robbins views

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