Friday 13 June 2014

Lea Bridge Road sub station sale

Dear all,
I have just rung up the Heritage Officer, Jacinta Fisher at LBWF about the edundant Electricity Substation in Lea Bridge Road E10.  The building is Locally Listed, so comes under purview of Ron Presswell and Jacinta Fisher as well as Planning.

As some of you know, I helped Guy Osborne produce the current list of locally interesting heritage buildings a couple of years ago, and among several new additions No 120 is the "Leyton Borough Council Electricity Substation, Lea Bridge Road E10" - described as a "redundant electricity sub-station in neo-classical style with distinctive “Borough of Leyton” lettering at front. The old Borough Council, formally established in 1899, ran its own power station near to this site which supplied the borough with electricity from 1896. (NEW ADDITION)"

Jacinta tells me that this is not owned by the Council, but a power company, and so I just wanted to write to let you know that it is not the Council that is selling it off.


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