Sunday 29 June 2014

WF Growth Commission

From Katy

Cllr Clare Coghill of High St ward in WF now gets £30+ pa (plus day job and basic £10k cllr allowance) as Cabinet Member for economic growth and investment.

WFN (23/6) says she is keen to promote private business - "eager to drive forward" the local economy, as Pravda has it.
So Labour have set up a Growth Commission under journalist Tony Travers (a professor of economics who is a Director of the London Group, based at LSE) to "grow ideas."

Writing in "The Guardian, in an article headed "Labour's housing plans are sensible but the nimby lobby looms large", Travers wrote: "getting past local opposition and those who act to protect green spaces remain the biggest barrier to housebuilding - whoever is in power."

Nice to know he will be advising the councillor who set up the (Labour party members only) "friends of walthamstow marshes" and represents WF on the ultra-secretive Wetlands Project! I wonder what his Consultancy fees (paid out of our Council Tax, of course!) are?
Proud to be a NIMBY and activist protecting green spaces!

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