Friday 6 June 2014

WVRA Children's planting event - Sat 24 June

Dear all,


We are celebrating 50 years of Britain in Bloom by Growing for Gold! 

Please come to Vestry Road Playground between 10.30-12.30 to plant sunflower seedlings in the serpentine flowerbed. All equipment will be provided but please bring with you a full watering can or big bottle of water to give them a drink.

If you were not able to attend the seed planting day in April or your little plant did not make it, we have extras to avoid disappointment. The sunflowers will flower from July to September and attract bees, butterflies and beneficial insects and their seed heads will provide food for the birds in winter.
Our London in Bloom judging day has been confirmed as Tuesday 15 July - please put the date in your diary - more details and Garden Challenge forms will be available in The Village magazine that will be delivered door-to-door at the beginning of June.

Do contact us if you have any questions or require further information.

Best wishes and many thanks from your Bloom team,

Helen, Teresa, Graham and John

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