Friday 25 July 2014

Crossrail2 to come to St.James Street?

TFL and Crossrail 2

Crossrail 2

Is anyone else making a connection, or rather disconnection, between what can be read about the delayed re-opening of the Lea Bridge railway station and the Cross-Rail possible tunnel portal on the Marshes?

I am concerned that these two significant public transport projects seem to be being pursued separately. I have seen no cases being made about the possible impact of the one on the other. This is extraordinary, since Lea Bridge station is on the Tottenham Hale - Stratford line, and the Cross-Rail proposal involving the tunnel portal on the Marshes is also a line into Tottenham Hale.

Waltham Forest Cabinet on 15th July voted a total of £5m to support the Lea Bridge Station re-opening, see http://democracy.walthamforest.gov.uk/documents/s41127/Report.pdf
It looks pretty poor - the reason given for the increase in the costs was that the TfL rail consultants gave underestimates for platform and lift construction not having visited the track location. No surprise that they also failed to see the Japanese knotweed embellishing the currrent platform. Worse still, it seems that TfL were willing for the project to stall, had WF not stumped up the cash.

Does anyone have any thoughts about what's behind TfL's apparent loss of interest in the Lea Bridge station project and what could happen in worst case scenarios?

Claire W.

How about this from Stella Creasy's newsletter

Crossrail2 Comes to E17: Crossing St James Street? 
Following concerns raised by local residents, I have recently been in contact with Transport for London and Network rail with regards to the proposed Cross Rail 2 pathway. This is currently under consultation and plans released suggest there is a possibility this could be scheduled to tunnel under Walthamstow marsh or parallel behind St James Street.
This means that there is potential that Cross Rail may impact the St James area. I have been assured by TFL that if this suggestion is developed further, once a more detailed plan and route has been produced a consultation would take place with the residents of St James’ street towards the end of 2015. I will of course keep residents updated as and when I have further information on this and the consultation proposals. 

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