Friday 25 July 2014

Puting Waltham Forest on the map

Why is everyone moving to Waltham Forest

Professor Tony Travers is a British academic and journalist, specialising in issues affecting local government. He is the director of "LSE London", a research group at the London School of Economics and Political Science. He recently wrote a report for the council urging them to improve the image of WF. The Walthamstow Garden Party and the recently published Waltham Forest IS LONDON magazine (distributed with WFN) is the council's attempt to make WF "cool". As a senior council official said to me today it will be good for house prices - already up 26% this year. 

So what will happen to those in the rented sector as the Borough becomes yupified?

Growth Commission Report

View from Katy

This is interesting.  It is a very good indication of how disjointed the Borough is - though he doesmn't really understand why, and the only person he seems to have asked is Cllr Coghill who has scarcely lived here much longer than he has.

The Independent used to be, so it seems a bit odd that his interviewees are Cllrs Coghill and Robbins, Stella Creasy MP and a bloke who thinks Stella's the greatest thing since powdered milk.

If you want to understand Chingford and why it is so different, you'd really have to talk to at least one Conservative Councillor, I should have thought?

The rivaly between Leyton and Walthamstow goes back to the 17th century in well-documented incidents on the Marshes,and probably goes back a lot further than that.

Waltham Forest was never going to work, and it never has worked.  And it probably never will.

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