Friday 18 July 2014

See Hitchcock's Blackmail

Please find attached an invitation to a free open rehearsal of Alfred Hitchcock’s Blackmail at the Walthamstow Assembly Hall on Friday 25 July. 

The Forest Orchestra will be performing a live score to accompany the film that evening and we are giving a few local groups a sneak preview of their final rehearsal.  The film will be screened as part of the rehearsal. There will be an introductory talk at 2pm for those interested and refreshments in the break.  This will be the orchestra’s  final rehearsal and we hope this will be a great behind the scenes experience.

The rehearsal will be from 3-6pm and seats are in the balcony.  There are accessible seats available in the stalls for those who require them.  There will be an opportunity to leave in the break for those who cannot stay for the full 3 hours.

Please could you circulate this invitation to any local individuals or groups that you think would benefit from this event.  For example those who might be better able to access this event in the daytime or for whom tickets would be too expensive for the evening event.

The booking details are on the flyer.  It would be great if people could say if they would like to come to the introductory talk and rehearsal, or just the rehearsal when they book.

For your info:

To book call 020 7382 7368 to RSVP or email admin@createlondon.org by 22 July.   Please say if you would like to come to the talk and rehearsal or just the rehearsal.

Please do get in touch with any queries.

All best wishes,

Lindsay O’Nions

Lindsay O'Nions
Film Curator and Cross Arts ProducerBarbican Guildhall Creative Learning

T: 020 7382 7049

Barbican Centre
Silk Street, London, EC2Y 8DS

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