Friday 18 July 2014

Walthamstow Granada to be Compulsorily Purchased


I attended the Cabinet meeting last night at the Walthamstow Girls' school.  The small lecture theatre that was used was packed to capacity.

The cabinet approved a further attempt to buy the cinema back, with a CPO to follow if all else failed.

It was a great result, but the event was badly marred by Councillors' gratuitous back-slapping (which Robbins called a "virtual group hug" - yuck!) and in by particular Loakes's disgraceful party political speech, during which he claimed that a CPO couldn't have been proceeded with until 2010 because Labour were in a coalition administration with the LibDems - which is blatant utter rot, as the LibDems were solidly in favour of getting the Granada back for the general public.

I was far from being the only person who refrained from applauding that speech; it was quite shocking to hear him use this momentous occasion to tell lies and plug his own party (after all, the McGuffins Film Club, at least when when Jo and I started it, before Neil Gerrard and the Creasys took it over) included people of every political viewpoint.
I was very annoyed.

Text below is extracted from the rather long (and unnecessarily pro-Labour) trumpeting e-mail sent out by the McGuffins immediately after the meeting ended.  Comments from me are in square brackets.


A huge leap forward for our cinema dream!

We're delighted to confirm that Waltham Forest Council have approved funding for a Compulsory Purchase or negotiated sale of the EMD/Granada cinema from current owners, Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG).

At a packed meeting at Walthamstow School for Girls, Council Leader Cllr Chris Robbins introduced proceedings by confirming UCKG's Pastor Paul Hill and directors of Soho Theatre Company were present.  

As portfolio holder for Economic Growth & High Streets, Cllr Clare Coghill (who has been a Councillor for only four years) was praised so wildly by all her cabinet colleagues that you'd think she'd spent the last 11 years working on it.

Speeches confirming the long and passionate campaign led by local residents came from former Walthamstow MP Neil Gerrard [introduced by Robbins as the person who had kicked off the campaign to save the Granada, which was news to me!], Cllr Claire Coghill and Deputy Leader Cllr Clyde Loakes, who said the council has changed considerably since the EMD's closure in 2003, and understands the building's true value not just to Waltham Forest, but London and beyond.
[One might ask why it has taken them that long to realise the Granada's importance, given that it was 2002 when the infamous Tony Buckley made a public promise - actually in the Granada - that the Council would CPO the building if UCKG bought it and tried to turn it into a "Church"!]

Steve Marmion, Creative Director of Soho Theatre Company spelled out his company's exciting commitment to return the cinema to its original role as a "modern day cine-variety venue" as detailed below.

A message from Soho Theatre Company & Waltham Forest Cinema Trust
A big thank you to everyone at the McGuffin Film Society and Save Walthamstow Cinema
 As you know, Waltham Forest Council last night agreed to provide financial support to help Soho Theatre purchase the former Granada building from its current owners, as well as taking significant further steps towards the Compulsory Purchase should negotiations fail.  Working closely with the local community, we plan to re-open the original auditorium as a thriving venue for comedy, theatre and film, together with three new cinema screens, an education space and a cafe, restaurant and bar.
We wanted to thank all the supporters who have campaigned so hard for this amazing building. We are delighted to be working closely with the Council and grateful for their support, and while we’re still at an early stage, we hope that it won't be too long before we can come together and properly celebrate the re-opening of the Granada.
Meantime, we have outlined our vision for the building at www.sohotheatre.com/walthamstow and we would very much welcome your feedback, thoughts and suggestions as we move forward.  
Steve Marmion and Mark Godfrey, Soho Theatre,
and Neil Gerrard, Waltham Forest Cinema Trust

A huge leap forward for our cinema dream!
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Save WAlthamstow Cinema
A huge leap forward for our cinema dream!

We're delighted to confirm that Waltham Forest Council have approved funding for a Compulsory Purchase or negotiated sale of the EMD/Granada cinema from current owners, Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG).

At a packed meeting at Walthamstow School for Girls, Council Leader Cllr Chris Robbins introduced proceedings by confirming UCKG's Pastor Paul Hill and directors of Soho Theatre Company were present.

As portfolio holder for Economic Growth & High Streets,
Cllr Clare Coghill quoted sections from this document, requesting council approval to help fund a purchase of the cinema by
Soho Theatre Company for Waltham Forest Cinema Trust (WFCT).

Speeches confirming the long and passionate campaign lead by local residents came from former Walthamstow MP Neil Gerrard, Cllr Coghill and Deputy Leader Cllr Clyde Loakes, who said the council has changed considerably since the EMD's closure in 2003, and understands the building's true value not just to Waltham Forest, but London and beyond.

Steve Marmion, Creative Director of Soho Theatre Company spelled out his company's exciting commitment to return the cinema to its original role as a modern day cine-variety venue as detailed below.

A message from Soho Theatre Company & Waltham Forest Cinema Trust

A big thank you to everyone at the McGuffin Film Society and Save Walthamstow Cinema
 As you know, Waltham Forest Council last night agreed to provide financial support to help Soho Theatre purchase the former Granada building from its current owners, as well as taking significant further steps towards the Compulsory Purchase should negotiations fail.  Working closely with the local community, we plan to re-open the original auditorium as a thriving venue for comedy, theatre and film, together with three new cinema screens, an education space and a cafe, restaurant and bar.
We wanted to thank all the supporters who have campaigned so hard for this amazing building. We are delighted to be working closely with the Council and grateful for their support, and while we’re still at an early stage, we hope that it won't be too long before we can come together and properly celebrate the re-opening of the Granada.
Meantime, we have outlined our vision for the building at www.sohotheatre.com/walthamstow and we would very much welcome your feedback, thoughts and suggestions as we move forward.  
Steve Marmion and Mark GodfreySoho Theatre,
and Neil Gerrard, Waltham Forest Cinema Trust

When could the cinema finally re-open?

 The million dollar question! Possibly within 2 years, should the longer process of a CPO be required. Whichever way ownership is transferred, Soho Theatre/WFCT plan to revive the cinema in phased stages.

Could a CPO fail?

There is no guarantee it would be successful, however rejection of UCKG's plans at local and national level and the commitment of both Waltham Forest Council and Soho Theatre company should give confidence that the risk of failure is low.

Read the Waltham Forest Guardian article here

The council received significant backing for a CPO/negotiated sale so thanks to everyone who showed their support!.

Please email hello@savewalthamstowcinema.org

Supporters gather after the meeting.

Cllrs and WFCT Trustees watch Council Leader Chris Robbins shake hands with Soho Theatre's Steve Marmion 
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The McGuffin Film Society

EMD Cinema: Compulsory Purchase UPDATE

The McGuffin Film Society is pleased to report that Waltham Forest Council has tonight voted to proceed with a Compulsory Purchase of the EMD Cinema.

The vote means legal proceedings will soon commence to obtain the freehold of the Grade 2* Listed Building from current owners the Universal Church of the Kingdom of God (UCKG) so the venue can be revived for entertainment.

A new planning application is currently being prepared which will seek to obtain permission to reopen the building as a modern-day 'cine-variety theatre' with film and live performance at the core of its activities. Further details can be found on the McGuffin website here.

Thanks to everyone who has supported our campaign to save the EMD since its closure in 2003 - and hopefully we can now look forward to a brighter future for this unique and much loved venue.  

Copyright © 2014 The McGuffin Film Society
All rights reserved.

The McGuffin Film Society and the campaign to save the EMD Cinema
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The McGuffin Film Society
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