Friday 15 August 2014

93 Church Hill E17 3BD

This property, opposite the Girls School, has been let out for years while the owner tried to get planning permission to redevelop the site. 2008/0096, 2008/0741, 2010/0795, 2013/0569, 2014/1584/CLP.

The 2008/0741 application wanted to demolish the building and build a block of 10 flats. The local residents were up in arms and amazingly got the Planning Committee to refuse it. The owner took it to appeal and lost! The Inspector felt the current building was an important part of the street scene opposite a listed building i.e. the Girls school.

In 2010 an attempt to turn it in to a children's home failed but in 2013 it obtained permission for a two storey side and rear extension and a loft extension with rear dormer windows.

At the end of this July 2014/1584/CLP was submitted for a lawful development certificate for a proposed development - Installation of velux windows at front was submitted. A decision has not yet been made. 

So the question has to be asked why has the council allowed huge changes to be made to the building when the inspector clearly felt the existing building played a major part in the street scene. 

Even more importantly what is happening to the building as last time I past it its roof had gone and it looked as if it was being demolished.

What is the point of the planning process if it can be abused in this way?


  1. It was owned by my family. Sold in 2013

  2. Didn't WFOC get this wrong. Up to date picture please!


All comments welcome - but please be polite!