Friday 22 August 2014

That footpath again - and changes at the station.

Dear Tim,

Both entrances to Walthamstow Queen's Road have 'No public right of Way' signs, but so far the red lines denoting the start of the compulsory ticket area are at the top of the stairs and ramps down to the platforms so you can walk across the bridge without having to have a ticket. Whether TfL/LOROL will resite the red lines across the entrances remains to be seen.

At Walthamstow Central there are (maybe worn away) similar lines on the AGA platforms to allow LUL passengers to walk to/from the subway steps without being subject to National Rail Penalty Fare Regs. So it it is possible to walk to/from the bus station without a rail ticket. I've asked LUL to provide signage in their subway from the bus station but they are not keen.

Regarding Walthamstow Central I am concerned about the works going on there. The down side (No.2) booking office is being demolished to provide a gate line and new (smaller) booking office. The sign on the hoarding (see photo) says that there are going to be separate entrances/exits and gate lines for AGA and LUL on both sides. It seems that NR are also going to redevelop the whole down side of the station with Solum. All the traders on that side including the news agents on the corner of Hoe Street have been given notice to quit by NR. But there is some doubt whether planning permission has been given for any redevelopment of the down side. On the up side (No.1) the concern is the original GER booking hall and offices. I think that these are listed. I don't see how the separate entrances/exits/gate lines for AGA and LUL can be provided without serious alterations to the building. I would really appreciate it if you could look into this for me.



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