Friday 8 August 2014

Vi Gostling

Hello everyone,
As you may know, Vi's funeral has been organised for Tuesday 19th August.
The cars will leave Cheneys Road at 1.15 pm and arrive at the Cann Hall Baptist Church at 1.45 pm.  The service will last approximately one hour, then we go to the City of London Crematorium at 2.45 pm.
I have booked the hall behind the church for the wake afterwards, so if you don't want to go to the crematorium, you can stay at the church and wait for us to return. 
Best regards and if you have any questions, please give me or Cressy a call.

Vi Gostling

You may have already heard the sad news that Vi Gostling passed away in Whipps Cross hospital on Monday morning following a fall at her home the previous week.

Vi was instrumental in setting up the Civic Society over 40 years ago and had been active ever since in campaigning for improvements, standing up to negative changes and encouraging others to join together to make our borough a better place. 

Vi was also active in many other societies including promoting the arts and drama and over the years she made a huge contribution to the rich cultural life we have in Waltham Forest.

Although more recently Vi wasn’t able to be so physically active her passion and commitment to the borough never dimmed and she was always full of ideas and enthusiasm. 

Vi made an immeasurable contribution to the borough over many decades and touched many people’s lives young and old, inspiring many to believe that they too can make a difference. Altogether she had a remarkable life, well lived.

The Civic Society will be organising an event later this year to celebrate Vi’s contribution to the society and to the borough as a whole, details to be confirmed.

Jane Sterland
Chair, Waltham Forest Civic Society

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