Friday 26 September 2014

At last the footpath is officially open!

Dear All, 

Apologies for the short notice, but I have been unwell for the last few weeks. Tomorrow, Friday 26 September, will see the 'official' opening by Waltham Forest Council and London Overground of the pedestrian link between Walthamstow Queen's Road and Walthamstow Central stations, although unfortunately there are still some finishing works to be completed by Network Rail's developer at the Walthamstow Central end.

The opening ceremony will commence at 11:00 at the new entrance to Walthamstow Queen's Road station in Exeter Road/Edison Close and then progress along the route to the Walthamstow Central car park end of Ray Dudley Way where a ribbon will be cut.

BGORUG will be represented by Assistant Secretary Graham Larkbey and possibly myself, health permitting.

Kind regards

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