Friday 5 September 2014

Mobile Museum

The Mobile Museum is almost ready. Coming to housing estates across London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Autumn 2014.
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Hello everyone,
I hope this email finds you well.
Just a quick update on how things are progressing with The Mobile Museum and the kickstarter campaign.

I'm delighted to be over 35% funded, having raised £2,565.00.

A huge T H A N K Y O U to everyone that's donated, 88 people and counting!

The campaign can be found here:

There is 37 days left to reach the minimum all or nothing target of £7,000.00

I will be driving The Mobile Museum to London (Valence House Museum, Dagenham) next week should all go according to plan, where I'll be finalising the build and painting ready for launch in October time.

The programmed is being fine tuned, lots of exciting things planned: archaeological digs, walks, model making sessions and so on.

Please do continue to donate, watch and share, it's been three long years to get to this stage.
We've all been affected in some way by the public sector cuts and wider economic climate in recent years. My hope is that despite these challenges good work can still be created and disseminated in places that would really benefit like Barking & Dagenham, without compromising on the quality or ambition of the work.


In other brilliant news, The Mobile Museum appeared in The Evening Standard on Monday 18th August:


I've posted an update on the Kickstarter on The Mobile Museum's beginnings, with some images:

"A wet, cold January evening in 2009.

Three years in to my long, working love affair with Barking and Dagenham.
My filmwork "Rooms With a View" screened outside, in the footprint of the demolished estate, The Lintons to an audience of 400 people.
A portacabin was turned into a museum for the estate and every audience member was given a fragment of tile that I'd dug up from the rubble, colour coded for each floor of the building.
This was the beginning of The Mobile Museum."
That's all for now, 38 days left and then I can email about the real fun: what actually happens on The Mobile Museum tour and how you can be involved.
Very best wishes,


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