Friday 5 September 2014

Proposed new 6th Forms

Consultations on 6th Forms: Lammas & Norlington Boys 
This week, two local schools have been in touch to inform me that they are starting a consultation on setting up a sixth form. Firstly,  Lammas School and Sports College are registering a formal proposal to add a Sixth Form to Lammas School. 

The school are seeking views on this proposal and inviting Parents/ Carers and members of the community to a meeting at Lammas school at
6pm on Thursday 11th September. 

If you would like any further information or have specific questions about the proposal please contact the Headteacher, Ms Ramsay, throughMrs Ahmet on 0208 988 5860 .
In addition, Norlington School for Boys are also seeking views on a proposal to add a Mixed 6thform. The governing body will also be holding a meeting on 
Thursday 11th September at 6pm

for parents/ Carers at Norlington School. Please contact Mrs Mitchel on 020 8539 63055.

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