Friday 5 September 2014

Save our Parks

NATIONAL FEDERATION OF PARKS AND GREEN SPACESThe umbrella organisation for the UK's Friends of Parks Forums and the Friends Groups movement    www.natfedparks.org.uk 

Please forward to all your members and contacts...
The UK's Local Authorities must have adequate funding to manage local parks effectivelyPlease sign the 'Save Our Parks' petition: http://chn.ge/TXdqhj 

The scandalous underfunding crisis deepens for our wonderful parks as more park service cuts loom throughout the UK. [See article below]. Please encourage everyone you know to speak out and to lobby their Councils to protect next year's parks budgets. 

However, it is the Government's cuts to Local Authorities for our local public services that are causing the problem. So please sign the UK 'Save Our Parks' petition to step up the pressure on the Government and all political parties to take seriously the future funding and protection of our vital green spaces. 

1. Sign the petition: http://chn.ge/TXdqhj 
2. Spread the news via Twitter: @LoveParks_Week  #LoveParks
3. Spread the news via Facebook: www.facebook.com/ukparkspetition - and: www.facebook.com/LoveParksWeek 
4. Refer to the Parks Petition webpage: www.natfedparks.org.uk/parks-petition.html - the page includes a Sign Up Sheet and leaflets to distribute

Dave Morris
NFPGS Campaigns Officer 

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