Friday 12 September 2014

The Mobile Museum

Subject: The Mobile Museum: The Eagle has Landed

The Mobile Museum is almost ready. Coming to housing estates across London Borough of Barking and Dagenham Autumn 2014.
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Hello everyone,

I'm delighted to be 59% funded, having raised £4,136.00.

I'm into the final three weeks now, 21 days and counting.
If you've already donated, T H A N K Y O U. 141 people so far, it really is quite overwhelming.  If you could continue to share the campaign with your networks, via social media or email or word of mouth I'd be very grateful, every share and bit of noise made about this helps:https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1114774854/the-mobile-museum
Also, if you haven't done yet please do take a moment to read the campaign, watch the videos and browse the rewards (including a new reward: lucky dip screenprint from my archive for £35).

Here's a video I've made of the journey including a shout out from Simon Mayo on BBC Radio 2 Drivetime - dreams can come true

Watch the Video

 5 hours, 100 + miles, two service station stops, one accessible radio station, loads of sweets and singing.
Arriving by moonlight to Dagenham, what I thought was going to be petrifying was actually a pretty hilarious, smooth outing.
Huge thanks to Harriet for stepping in last minute and beinga great co-pilot, thanks for filming & singing along. We got a shout out on Simon Mayo drive time, dreams can come true.
I'm beyond delighted that three years late, The Mobile Museum is finally in London.

Here's me with Bob the super mechanic holding the Black Country flag:

In other news, the brilliant Love London Council Housing did a post about the project and kickstarter campaign:


Very best wishes,



A Museum. A collection. A public programme. A filmwork. A series of publications. A lot of fun. 11 housing estates. 1 London Borough.

The Mobile Museum: coming soon to 11 housing estates across the London Borough of Barking and Dagenham.


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