Friday 24 October 2014

Community Ward Forum update

Subject: Re: Lea Bridge Ward Community Forum
Date: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 07:09:59 +0000

Good Morning Claire

Just a quick heads up. Leytonstone and Hatch Lane/ Highams Park have Ward Forums this week and Chingford Green/ Endlebury have one next week. These are advertised in this weeks Waltham Forest News. Can Hall held a CWF last week as well.

In Leytonstone we promote ours through social media and we arrange for a small targeted leaflet drop too and display posters.

My understanding is that the CWF diary runs from either financial year April to March or administration year May to April, but I'll clarify, but it certainly isn't calendar year. So in that respect there is still plenty of time for Wards to book their meetings in.

Things are normally quite tight in a local election year as well!

I would suggest that Community Ward Forums are not the only way in which local Cllrs engage with their residents, although clearly an important one and so to suggest Cllrs place a 'low value' on listening to residents is, I believe, misplaced.

Having said that I do think the general organisation and comms of Community Ward Forums could do with a timely review some 4 years on from when they were set up in this format and I believe this is about to or is currently being undertaken.

I hope this helps clarify and reassure you?



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