Saturday 18 October 2014

Lloyd Park News

Hello everyone,

Here’s the Autumn/Winter e-newsletter for Lloyd Park; there’s lots happening in your local park.

1. News

Lloyd Park gets Green Flag Award second year in a row A Green Flag Award shows Lloyd Park is a welcoming, safe and well-maintained park. We’re proud that through the hard work of park staff (both Council and our partners) and our many volunteers, we’ve achieved the award each year since the restoration works were completed. Find out more herehttp://www.greenflagaward.org.uk/ And a very big thank you to everyone who helped us.

A Park for People The restoration of Lloyd Park was funded through the Heritage Lottery Fund and Big Lottery Fund’s ‘Parks for People’ Programme. We’re working to make Lloyd Park, and its activities and facilities, as inclusive and accessible as possible. We also do a lot of outreach work, to help in-need people and people who don’t yet use the park, to come here. For example, 23% of Lloyd Park volunteers have disabilities. You’re welcome to contact us if there are any activities you’d like to suggest we run in your park.

Gardening training at Lloyd Park We now offer regular gardening workshops and training courses, thanks to our partnership with Waltham Forest Adult Learning Service. If you want to find out how to look after your garden, or if you want a qualification for your CV, e mail Cathy atgardeninginthepark@gmail.com to get information on upcoming sessions.

And if you’re not a gardener, we hope you’re appreciating the efforts of our gardening trainees, gardening volunteers and nature conservation (Green Gym) volunteers!

New Play Equipment Have you tried out the new play equipment yet? Thank you to the Friends of Lloyd Park who fundraised for new equipment and consulted with local parents. We also used income generated through park events and bookings, and the Council’s Public Realm team contributed additional funds, to enable these improvements.

Shelter The new shelter has been installed on the island and complements the style of the Stables Building. We’ll gradually be introducing new planting on and around it, with our volunteers.

New schools programme
The Conservation Volunteers, who run our nature conservation sessions and our under-5s, family and adult activities are doing such a great job, they’re now taking forward the Lloyd Park schools programme. With our funding, they’re going to provide a year-round offer of curriculum-linked sessions for local schools. We’ll be encouraging local children to value nature and their local green space and enabling them to learn outdoors. We offer sessions to local primary, secondary and Special Educational Needs schools. If you’d like to encourage your child’s school to come on a trip to Lloyd Park, please get in touch.

New bowlers With Council funding, Walthamstow Borough Bowls Club have been teaching people with learning disabilities to bowl. This friendly club is always welcoming new members, so please get in touch if you’re interested, or find out more here: www.walthamforest.gov.uk/lloyd-park

2. Events and activities

We hope you enjoyed the Walthamstow Garden Party, the Friends of Lloyd Park’s May Fair & Dog Show, Bat Night and our Easter Egg Hunt (amongst others), and here’s what’s coming up this season:

Skate Jam The Friends of Lloyd Park Skate Park Group are holding another skate jam, on Saturday 1 November. There’s a Halloween theme, with competitors and spectators invited to attend in costume. Competitions for: skateboard; BMX bike and freestyle scooter riders; and in-line skaters. Prizes for competition winners; with Toms Skate Shop donating prizes for skateboarders. Plus entertainment with a sound-system and an MC/DJ. Competitors can register on the day; free entry. For further information: http://friendsoflloydpark.org.uk/halloween-skate-jam/

Bulb Planting with the Friends of Lloyd Park Join the Friends on Sunday 9 November, from 11am-1pm, preceded by a short Act of Remembrance. Full details: http://friendsoflloydpark.org.uk/events/

Festive Sing-a-long with the Friends of Lloyd Park and William Morris Gallery Sunday 21 December; enjoy the East London Brass Band, roasted chestnuts and hot spiced apple juice with (optional) rum! Full details: http://friendsoflloydpark.org.uk/events/

Under-5s Nature Explorers Free activities and stories for under-5s and their parents/carers. Coming up:
-       Diwali & Autumn
-       Christmas Party
Free refreshments provided. Friendly, mixed and welcoming group; meet other local parents. First Wednesday of every month, in the Aveling Centre Community Room at 10am. Find out more:www.walthamforest.gov.uk/lloyd-park (click on the link under ‘Events & Activities’ to access the full programme).

Free activities for families Enjoy free, creative, nature and cultural activities and keep the kids entertained during the holidays. Don’t miss:
-       28 October - African Drumming
-       30 October - Halloween Pumpkin Carving
-       13 December - Natural & Recycled Christmas Decorations
Find out more: www.walthamforest.gov.uk/lloyd-park (click on the link under ‘Events & Activities’ to access the full programme).

Free activities for adults Enjoy free guided walks and workshops at Lloyd Park - you’d have to pay for these activities anywhere else!  Coming up:
-       19 October - Fungi Walk
-       14 December - Willow Wreath Making (book early to avoid disappointment
Find out more: www.walthamforest.gov.uk/lloyd-park (click on the link under ‘Events & Activities’ to access the full programme).

Free sports
Benefit from lots of free sports activities in Lloyd Park. Find out more at: www.ourparks.org.uk

Lloyd Park Sharing Heritage Weekly social and interest group for Over-50s. Every Wednesday, 10am-12noon in the community bowls pavilion. Enjoy a variety of activities including making bird feeders, planting bulbs and our Christmas Lunch. Plus, the group will be holding their own exhibition in the Winns Gallery next spring.

Senior Tai Chi Corner For people 50+ of all abilities, every Sunday morning. Sessions run indoors over the winter months: 
9.00-10.00, intermediate class, Community Bowls Pavilion
10.15-11.15, beginner
s class, Aveling Centre Community Room
£2 per session and Dao Lu annual student fees apply. Please let us know your access and other needs in advance. This community project was the winner of Waltham Forest Physical Activity and Health Project Award 2013:
For more information and booking: info@daolu.co.uk, 020 3670 3005, or 07713 152 999 (text only),www.daolu.co.uk/senior-tai-chi-corner/

William Morris Gallery Find out about the Gallery’s fantastic events programme, visit:www.wmgallery.org.uk/

3. Volunteering

A fantastic 339 people have volunteered their time in Lloyd Park, since the beginning of our bid for Lottery Funding.

Green Gym Nature conservation volunteering is a great opportunity to get active, get outdoors and feel part of your community. Every Friday, 11am-2pm. Meet outside the Stables Building. To find out more contact Gareth: g.chalmers@tcv.org.uk

Volunteer Gardening See off the winter blues by getting outdoors in beautiful surroundings. Join us every first and third Thursday of the month, from 10am-1pm. Meet at the William Morris Garden (near the Forest Road Gate). Tools provided. For anyone who likes to garden, wants to improve their health and well-being, or enjoy the company of friendly people. Free tea and cake provided!

Helping people and being part of your community
If you enjoy helping others or want to give back to your community, or even if you’d just like to meet people, please get in touch. We could have a volunteering opportunity that’s right for you.

Friends of Lloyd Park are always welcoming new volunteers who want to give their time and expertise (a little or a lot): http://friendsoflloydpark.org.uk/ The Friends’ next AGM is on Wednesday 22 October,at the Lloyd Park Centre, 7.30pm. It will include a chance to hear from the Barbican, about plans for next year’s Walthamstow Garden Party

Finally, you can vote for both Lloyd Park and the William Morris Gallery in Time Out’s Love London Awards: www.timeout.com/london/things-to-do/time-out-love-london-awards-nominate-your-favourite-local-places-now

If you no longer wish to receive this newsletter, please reply with ‘unsubscribe’ in the subject line.

Ellie Mortimer
Lloyd Park Community Project Co-ordinator
Public Realm
Low Hall Depot
Argall Avenue
London E10 7AS

Tel: 0208 496 2822
Mob: 07530 072 216

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