Saturday 15 November 2014

Create an online trail

Create an online trail/walk for your green space - exciting, easy and free!The trails, and how to create one, are explained in this Step-by-Step Guide: 

Many groups have been thinking about creating trails and walk guides for their green space. Well, now all groups can do them!  Park users can access any trail through a mobile phone whilst walking there - via a free phone App. They can also enjoy any of the trails created by others from all over the country, and even view them on their pc if they wish. .. You can do one or more trails to highlight your trees, facilities, landscape and heritage features, or for a treasure hunt! 

The National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces has partnered with TiCL Media Ltd to ensure that every local Friends Group can create such trails easily and free. See all about the trails here: https://ticl.me/trails    Download the free App here: https://ticl.me/ticlapp 

The advantages to your group include: 

- the content is under your control and editable whenever you choose
- it's the same App for ALL Friends Groups, ensuring that members of the public can access trails in their favourite parks via the same app.
- although one App - it can be branded locally by individual Friends Groups
- you don't have to pay for it or pay for its maintenance - TiCL do it
- by incorporating your own weblinks your trail integrates with and adds value to what you're already doing
- it's fun and allows possibility of games, treasurehunts, geocaching etc... 'gamification' encourages participation.
- it's easy to do

The trails, and how to create one, are explained in this special Step-by-Step Guide for Friends Groups: http://www.natfedparks.org.uk/create-a-trail.html 

So why not create one this week?! And then publicise it to your members and local communities for them to access and enjoy...

best wishes

Dave Morris and Sarah Royal
National Federation of Parks and Green Spaces
c/o vice-chair@natfedparks.org.uk 

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