Friday 7 November 2014

Greater London National Park

Become a Founder of the Greater London National Park #GLNPhttp://www.greaterlondonnationalpark.org.uk
Campaign update27 Oct 2014 ­ Hello,

Our campaign continues to make good progress! 

Let’s turn London into the world’s first National Park City. Sign this petition to become a founder of this new kind of National Park.
A Greater London National Park has the very potential to improve health, quality of life, education, prosperity, biodiversity, recreation, liveability, resilience, planning and design across the capital. It would allow for new thinking, solutions and opportunities, with the power to transform how we look after London’s environment, educate our children, design our gardens and much, much more.

London is an incredibly diverse place. 8.3 million humans speaking 300 languages share the city with 13,000 wild species as well as lots of cats and dogs. You may be excused of thinking there was not much space for all these Londoners, but 60% of London is open land and 47% of Greater London is green. As well as the 3,000 parks, 142 local nature reserves, 36 sites of special scientific interest, 4 UNESCO World Heritage Sites and 2 National Nature Reserves within the city’s limits, there are 3.8 million private gardens. For its size, London is one of the very greenest cities in the world – something to celebrate.

Recruit your BoroughAre you in London? Can you recruit the support of your ward or council? Kingston Council and Northfields Ward are showing their support and they are the only ones we have properly asked. Councils asking for a report into the costs, benefits and options for a Greater London National Park creates precisely the kind of powerful support we need, so please do ask. For more details see http://bit.ly/1wCp5zU

Campaign meetingWe having a campaign meeting in Holborn on Wednesday evening. Come if you can. Full details are athttp://bit.ly/1FQmSXK

Reimagine London at City HallVisit the cafe in City Hall this week and you will be invited to reimagine London as a National Park. The Reimagine London exhibition includes 1,584 photos that were taken across all of the capital's 33 municipalities by 132 students from the School of Geography, Queen Mary University of London . For full details visit http://bit.ly/1xvC2f1

Are you at UCL?If you are a postgraduate at UCL or work with someone who is, take a look at the new Institute for Global Prosperity Challenge on how a Greater London National Park could influence prosperity. See http://bit.ly/ZTxMLc for details and how you could win £1,000 and the opportunity to co-author a report.

Do you blog or tweet?Please help to make some noise and raise the profile of our campaign by telling people about it. 80 organisations are now Friends of the campaign, but we could do with lots more names on this petition. Can you help?

Thank you very much for taking the time to read this update and for your support.

Have a great week!



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