Saturday 15 November 2014

Lloyd Park Update

Dear all,

Below is an update on the Lloyd Park Hub Building. I will send you weekly updates to keep you informed.

Lloyd Park Hub Building Update – 07.11.2014

On Saturday the 1st of November Waltham Forest Council took over management of the Lloyd Park Hub Building.

The Hub consists of a café, a community room, a gallery (The Winns Gallery) and six artist studios.

Chicchi Café owned by Metin Esen are running the Hub café for 6 months as an interim measure while the 3-5 year contract is put out to tender.  It started operating on the 1st of November and has been well-received.  We are looking to create local signage to help with marketing and promotion.

The community room will be available to hire from the 16th of November.  There has been a lot of interest from the local community.  We are currently organising necessary processes for hiring the room including terms & conditions, a booking form and putting the correct health and safety measures in place.

The Winns Gallery currently has an exhibition “The Sikh Art of Raj Singh Tattal” by local artist Rajinder Tattal.  It is a high quality versatile space that will be available for exhibitions by local artists, schools/colleges etc.  We are planning to put together a selection process for future applicants interested in hiring the space.

The artists’ studios are now in use; we currently have seven artists using the studios for the next year.  They moved in at the beginning of October and have settled in well.  Their agreement for use of the studios includes a requirement for public engagement, for example this could mean open studio days or workshops with park visitors.  We will meet with them to discuss their plans shortly.

We will be creating a web page on the Council’s web site with full information about the use of the hub building, which will be updated as the offer develops.

Thank you,

Jessica Osborne

Jessica Osborne
Visitor Support Assistant
William Morris Gallery
Forest Road
London E17 4PP

Tel: 020 8496 4390

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