Saturday 15 November 2014

Lottery funding for Waltham Forest

I was in a meeting today with Gillian and colleagues from the Heritage Lottery Fund. Waltham Forest is a priority area at the moment, because it has received a relatively low share of funds. HLF are particularly interested now in getting more enquiries and applications from community groups in Waltham Forest, including groups who might like to do a funded project around the social or natural heritage of the marshes. Being a priority area at present sounds like you get some additional weighting for any application (likely to last for around the next 9 months); you can also get pre-application support - including with finding a suitable project to apply for - from Gillian, who is copied in. She’s very interested to talk to groups who might bring projects to the table and I thought of you. Please feel free to share with the marshes campaigns groups and get in touch with her if you would like to find out more.

> Kind regards, Alison

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