Saturday 29 November 2014

LVRPA Consultation

26th November 2014

Dear Consultees

Park Development Framework
Lee Valley Regional Park Act 1966 Section 14 Draft Area Proposals Consultation by the Lee Valley Regional Park Authority on Draft Proposals for the Regional Park from
East India Dock Basin to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Area 1

Period of consultation 26 November 2014 to 21 January 2015

The Authority is in the process of preparing a suite of documents, the Park Development Framework (PDF), which will establish our aspirations and specific proposals for the future use and development of the Regional Park

The ‘Vision, Strategic Aims and Principles’ (July 2010) and the ‘Thematic Proposals’ (January 2011) set out development and management proposals on a broad Park-wide thematic basis and the Authority is now working to translate the thematic proposals onto area based maps in line with Section 14 of the Lee Valley Regional Park Act 1966 (the Park Act).  This will provide a set of specific area proposals covering the whole Park. 

This is a phased process with priority being given to areas where significant change within or adjacent to the Park is planned.  Once it has been completed it is intended that these area proposals will completely replace the Part Two Proposals of the Park Plan 2000.  In the interim where an area is updated it will specify which parts of the Park Plan 2000 it is replacing, the rest remaining in place.

For the local planning authorities in whose boundaries the Regional Park lies the importance of these proposals is that, once adopted by the Authority, section 14(2) of the Park Act requires their inclusion in their Local Plans or Local Development Frameworks. Their inclusion does not however imply approval of the local planning authority although clearly it is hoped that by reason of this process there will not be fundamental objection to them. It is anticipated that these proposals will be adopted for this particular area by April 2015.

The Authority has in place adopted Area Proposals for the section of the Park from Ruckholt Road/Hackney Marshes through to the M25/Rammey Marsh. We are now consulting on our proposals for the southern-most area of the Park from East India Dock Basin, adjacent to the River Thames, to the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park.  

We would like your views on the draft proposals for Area 1; these can be found on our web site via the following dedicated link:  www.leevalleypark.org.uk/go/consultation

The consultation runs from the 26th November 2014 until the 21st January 2015.  We hope that you are able to take this opportunity to comment on these important proposals for the future of the Regional Park. 

Comments are welcome by email to planning@leevalleypark.org.uk
Or by post to PDF Consultation, Myddelton House, Bulls Cross, Enfield, Middlesex EN2 9HG

Best Wishes

Stephen Wilkinson
Head of Planning and Strategic Partnerships

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