Soho Theatre update

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Soho Theatre
Soho Theatre - We're ready to come to Walthamstow!

It's a critical time for the former Granada's future, following last month's news of plans by the UCKG to sell the building to Antic.

Soho Theatre continues its education work in the borough following the success of October’s Half Term Young Theatremakers week – applications for 2015 are now open.

We've got Christmas at Soho lined up but, so you know, we're ready to come to Walthamstow...
Walthamstow video
Latest News
Latest News
Last month news came of the UCKG’s plans to sell the former Granada to pub chain Antic. Soho Theatre and Waltham Forest Cinema Trust released a statement following the announcement, which you can read here.

Now is a critical time for the former Granada. With the Council’s continued support, we’re working hard to reach an agreement with Antic which can secure the genuine entertainment use and community benefit that this building and everyone’s efforts deserve.

As soon as we are in a position to say more about that, we will. Meantime, we hope you enjoy our video – we’re ready to come to Walthamstow and we’re passionate about creating a venue for everyone.
Education work in Waltham Forest
Soho Theatre education work in Waltham Forest
The first Soho Young Theatremakers course, supported by the London Borough of Waltham Forest, took place during October Half Term. Twenty young people aged 11-18 participated in the free week of theatre making, exploring the theme of food and memories led by local artists Slap Haddock and culminating in a final performance in front of delighted families and friends. Feedback from the week was overwhelmingly positive.

"Our son came on Monday and we thought he would not last the week. He just loved it. Couldn’t wait to get back the next day.”

"I just loved it. To have a 17 year coming home each day animated and excited saying how much he loved it, was great."

“My daughter loved every minute of it...it was the first time she’s played her sax with anyone, so in terms of building her confidence as a performer, playing her instrument was really brilliant as well.”
Young Theatremakers
Soho Young Theatremakers - Walthamstow applications open for 2015
Following the success of our October Half Term course, we’re looking forward to continuing our education work in the borough. Our new ten week Soho Young Theatremaker courses, aimed at 14-19 year olds living within Waltham Forest, will commence from January 15th at Walthamstow School for Girls.

Over ten weeks, participants learn how to create and perform their own theatre show, and receive an insight into what it’s like to work within the creative industries. The courses cost £75 and bursaries are available.

To apply or for more information click hereor email jules@sohotheatre.com
Christmas at Soho
Christmas at Soho Theatre

If you are around Soho over the festive period, we’ve got Christmas at Soho Theatre all wrapped up – from Nick Helm  to Trevor Noah, Nina Conti, Bridget Christie, Nish Kumar, Adam Riches, Stewart Lee and more – we’d love to see you here!
Spread the word
Get in touch
If you have any questions about our work in Walthamstow and the borough of Waltham Forest please email sam@sohotheatre.com.

Help us spread the word – if you know someone who would like to receive this email please ask them to sign up here.

Children's Centres

From: Consultation <consultation@walthamforest.gov.uk>
Date: 12 December 2014 at 10:48
Subject: Tell us how your Children's Centre services should be shaped for the future
To: Consultation <consultation@walthamforest.gov.uk>

Dear resident

We are in the process of considering how we can shape the future of local children centre services to best meet the needs of families with young children. 

As someone who uses (or has previously used) children’s centres in Waltham Forest, your input will help us to ensure that the core offer of services we provide is tailored to the changing needs of local residents. 

Please tell us which services are the most important to you and how you think they should be developed in the future by taking part in our short survey.  It will only take a few minutes and your input will play an important part in the development of our plans for future children’s services in Waltham Forest.

Please take this opportunity to have your say by 19 January 2015 at:

Kind regards
The Children’s Centres team
Waltham Forest Council

Find more information about Children’s Centre services at www.walthamforest.gov.uk/childrenscentres

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Tree Calendar

We have:
  • planted
    • 18 new trees on the Downs
    • 5 new trees on South Millfields
  • cut back trees and shrubs encroaching on Abney's south boundary woodland ride
  • sold almost 1000 tree calendars
  • pruned trees and hedges on the Downs, South Millflields and Stoke Newington Common
AND there's lots more to do so.
Get involved. Don't miss out. We can't do it all without you.
TREE CALENDARS the final push!
SATURDAY    -     20th Dec volunteers needed to sell Hackney Tree Calendars at Stoke Newington farmers' market
10am to 2pm. Can you spare an hour or two to help sell TM Calendars? Profits to trees in Hackney.
contact Russell or put your name down on the (new) Doodle Poll here: http://doodle.com/vzqq2fzzicqmqvbv
SUNDAY    -     21st Dec vols needed to sell Hackney Tree Calendars at Chatsworth Road Street Market
11am to 3pm. Can you spare an hour or two to help sell TM Calendars? Profits to trees in Hackney.
contact Russell or put your name down on the (new) Doodle Poll here: http://doodle.com/vzqq2fzzicqmqvbv
MONDAY    -    22 December    -    tree planting on Hackney Downs
Final stage of planting 23 new trees on the Downs.
All trees grown at the Hackney Tree Nursery.
Last 5: 2 birch, 1 cherry, 1 alder, 1 plum.
Meet 10am at the old bowling green on The Downs.
MASS TREE PLANT on Hackney Marshes - SAT & SUN 17th and 18th Jan
Burn off all those Xmas calories. We need lots of people to plant 150 small trees to extend the woodland edge on North Marsh.
Meet 10am at the Tree Nursery, both days. Or find us on North Marsh til 3pm.
TMs and HMUG are running coppicing and woodland management workshops in Wick Woodland again this January.
This is a rare opportunity to get hands on woodland management experience and enjoy expert tuition.
Places are limited so book asap. Max. 12 people per session.
Wick Woodland Workshops are on Sundays 4, 11 and 25th January AND 1st, 8th and 15th February.
e-mail me to book: russell@km551818.demon.co.uk
ALL winter dates below. Places at most workshops will be limited so please book with me to ensure I know you are coming.
Russell Miller
Tree Musketeers
07758 326530
                    WINTER TREE EVENTS 2014 - 2015
some events have yet to be confirmed and may be subject to change
for latest information check the events page at http://www.sustainablehackney.org.uk
help sellHackney Tree CalendarsStoke Newington Farmers' Mkt20/12/14Doodle Poll
help sellHackney Tree CalendarsChatsworth Road St Mkt21/12/14Doodle Poll
Musketeeringtree plantingHackney Downs22/12/14EVERYONE WELCOME
Musketeeringtree plantingWell Street Common29/12/14POSPONED TO 19.1.14
Guided WalkTree WalkAbney Park Cemetery01/01/15EVERYONE WELCOME
WorkshopWoodland ManagementWick Woodland04/01/15PLEASE BOOK
WorkshopFruit tree pruningHackney Downs05/01/15PLEASE BOOK
Tree CourseWoodland ManagementWick Woodland10/01/15FULLY BOOKED
WorkshopWoodland ManagementWick Woodland11/01/15PLEASE BOOK
Musketeeringtree plantingMain Marsh17/01/15EVERYONE WELCOME
Musketeeringtree plantingMain Marsh18/01/15EVERYONE WELCOME
Musketeeringtree plantingWell Street Common19/01/14EVERYONE WELCOME
WorkshopWoodland Ride managementAbney Park Cemetery21/01/15PLEASE BOOK
WorkshopFruit tree pruningMillfields24/01/15PLEASE BOOK
WorkshopWoodland ManagementWick Woodland25/01/15PLEASE BOOK
WorkshopFruit tree pruningDaubeney Fields31/01/15PLEASE BOOK
WorkshopWoodland ManagementWick Woodland01/02/15PLEASE BOOK
Tree CourseFruit tree pruningMillfields07/02/15FULLY BOOKED
WorkshopWoodland ManagementWick Woodland08/02/15PLEASE BOOK
UOPFruit tree pruningMillfields14/02/15FULLY BOOKED
WorkshopWoodland ManagementWick Woodland15/02/15PLEASE BOOK
WorkshopWoodland Ride managementAbney Park Cemetery18/02/15PLEASE BOOK
Guided WalkTree WalkStoke Newington Common21/02/15date tbc
WorkshopFruit tree pruningWell Street Common22/02/15date tbc
WorkshopFruit tree pruningSpring Hill28/02/15PLEASE BOOK
Guided WalkTree WalkSpringfield Park01/03/15EVERYONE WELCOME
Tree CoursePropagating treesTree Nursery07/03/15FULLY BOOKED
WorkshopWoodland Ride managementAbney Park Cemetery08/03/15PLEASE BOOK
Musketeeringbaby tree careTree NurseryMarchdate tbc
MusketeeringTree SaleTree NurseryMarchdate tbc
Guided WalkTree WalkHackney Downs05/04/15EVERYONE WELCOME

to book e-mail Russell@km551818.demon.co.uk

Mini Holland update 19-12-14

More about cycling

Stella neutral

mini Holland

WF Mini Holland

Ruckholt Road Plans

This week the anti Mini Holland campaign held a meeting in the Asian Centre with around 100 people attending. Interestingly in her absence Stella Creasy MP came in for some stick as she is not for or against but neutral. Someone from the audience wanted to know, as a constituent,  why their MP was not supporting them. It was then pointed out it is a Government scheme backed by the Mayor and encouraged by Cllr Loakes for Waltham Forest Council.

This was the first meeting of the opposition and it was taking its time to bed in so I left for another Christmas drinks party!

From Stella Creasy MP:


I'm writing to you as someone who has been in touch with my office regarding the 'Mini Holland' project in Walthamstow to remind you that the deadline for responding to the consultation regarding proposed road closures and amendments in the Walthamstow village area will end on Friday 19th December. Therefore if you want to feed in your comment you need to ensure you have responded to the council directly about this matter within the next 48 hours.

Please note that for the proposals around the Walthamstow village area, the Council is only accepting responses from residents who live in the area of the trial and those outside the trial but which are enclosed by Church Hill, Shernhall St, Hoe St and Lea Bridge Rd eg Folkestone Rd, St Mary's Rd. Therefore if you are not in this area this alert about this deadline is for information only. The link to all the details of the project and updates that the Council is providing can also be found here:


Since my last email to residents who have been in touch with me about this project- both those who support and those who have concerns- I have not had any further direct information from the Council to share with you about this scheme. However, I have seen feedback from other residents highlighting how the Council has responded to some of the issues they have raised and amended these plans accordingly, illustrating that the scheme is open to amendment as part of this process of consultation. Furthermore, the cycling campaigners would like to let residents know that the village proposal is part of a wider ambitious scheme for the borough, and as such there will be further proposals for other parts of Walthamstow coming forward in the New Year. If you would like to meet with this group or find out more about these plans please do let me know and I will put you in touch with them.

Whilst I appreciate this scheme has been subject to much debate and discussion both on and offline, I would like to stress again that as this is a project wholly run by Waltham Forest Council I have no formal power as your parliamentary representative to amend or reject the scheme. Whilst I have shared with the council the correspondence I have been sent, it is therefore absolutely vital that you ensure the Council and your local Councillors are aware of any changes you would like to see happen as they will determine the final outcome of this project. I will however continue to try to seek information about this proposal for local residents and to ensure that the information that is shared with me about this and any further proposals is shared as widely as possible with residents.

With kind regards and best wishes for the festive season,


Change Champions

Inline images 1

Dear friends,

The Hornbeam Centre are looking for change champions who can help people in Waltham Forest to make the most of their resources. Do you know someone who could help champion change in their community?.....please pass it on....

Have you got an idea which would help local people live well for less? Could you pass on your skills and help others think about how to make the most of their resources? Could you make a difference to people in Waltham Forest? 

The Hornbeam Centre is looking for vital change champions who can work with us to inspire communities to come up with ideas to share, grow or nurture their resources. Supporting champions will be a central part of we love low cost living - we can offer training, toolkits, funding support and 1-2-1 coaching.

From January we - Ingrid and Grace are running a series of free 'how to' make your idea happen workshops which are free and open to all in Waltham Forest.  The first workshop - How to kickstart your idea is on 21st January, from 6.30 pm - 8.00 pm 

The workshop are aimed at anyone who has a community idea they want to happen. Places are limited so book your space now.

To find out more visit our website or call Grace on 07957 680 337 or tweet @luvlocostliving

If you want to sign up to the low cost living campaign newsletter which includes lo-cost and no cost activities and events for Waltham Forest please email lowcostliving@hornbeam.org.uk

Winter Warmer with East London Brass

Festive Singalong

Free Christmas event in Lloyd Park + more news from the Gallery
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Winter Warmer
Winter Warmer
This Sunday, December 21 2015
2pm - 4pm

Join us this Sunday for a free family Christmas event in partnership with the Friends of Lloyd Park: mince pies, music, mask-making and more...
Learn More
Sub story break pattern
Christmas opening hoursAdoration of the MagiChristmas shop
Planning a visit over the Christmas break? Make sure you check our Christmas opening hours before you set out.
Here's a festive item from our collection: Burne Jones'sAdoration of the Magidesign for stained glass(1872).
Our Christmas shop is packed full of exclusive gifts and decorations, including these Morris-inspired baubles.
Footer flower image
The William Morris Gallery is owned and operated by Waltham Forest Council
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William Morris Gallery
Lloyd Park, Forest Road
London, E17 4PP
020 8496 4390
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Copyright © 2014 William Morris Gallery, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you subscribed to our Newsletter through our website
Our mailing address is:
William Morris Gallery
Forest Road
London, Eng E17 4PP
United Kingdom

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Council recruiting more staff

Despite other council's complaining they are having to cut back Waltham Forest is forging ahead with a whole new division to look after the street scene. Various redundancies have been made to make way for this new structure which presumably kicks-in in the new year.

Here are a couple of job ads to show the type of changes that are coming:

London Borough of Waltham Forest
Neighbourhood Officer
Reference SD/14/6348
Salary £24,210-£30,079 per annum
Hours 36
Closing Date 21/12/14 23:30
Waltham Forest Council is creating a Council for the future revolutionising the way we do things to deliver better services for less. We've dealt with huge reductions to our funding whilst improving the services we offer to residents and now we're going through a radical transformation to modernise and reshape Waltham Forest into a dynamic, agile, modern council that puts our residents at the heart of everything we do.

The cleanliness, safety and quality of our streets continue to be the biggest influence that the Council has on residents' everyday quality of life. Every year our residents tell us that the cleanliness of our streets have improved over the past year. Our challenge is to continue this improvement of services in public realm, support growth and contribute to the savings targets demanded by reductions in central government funding.

The Neighbourhoods Division aims to do this by taking a universal view of our street scene; ensuring that issues and services such as street cleansing, waste, enviro-crime, noise, anti-social behaviour and grounds maintenance are dealt with in a comprehensive, common sense and resident-friendly manner.

The above roles consist of 8 x Neighbourhood Ward Officers and 5 x Neighbourhood Town Centre Officers all working to the same job description. Applicants should indicate if they have a preference for either role.

You will have a can do attitude and be able to achieve results using your skills, knowledge and experience of working in a multi-disciplined, community focused environment.

You will champion your Neighbourhood Ward/Town Centre overseeing street cleansing, grounds maintenance/trees, refuse and recycling collection services to ensure local residents' needs are met.

You will be working closely with ward councillors, communities and partners to help improve the quality of life of local residents and ensure that the Council continues to deliver quality services.

You will undertake enforcement and compliance activities relating to enviro-crime, noise, nuisance, waste management/street cleansing, grounds maintenance/trees and parking legislation (signs and lines), acting as an ambassador reporting on the whole street-scene.

We are looking for people who are flexible, committed and have a genuine desire to work with local people to improve our neighbourhoods and make Waltham Forest a great place to live, work and thrive.

You will be part of a new Neighbourhood Division which puts residents at the heart of all of its activity.

In order to ensure that the Council can provide a more effective and flexible service to local residents, working hours will be made up of shift patterns.

To have an informal chat about the post with one of our team, please contact us on 020 8496 6862 and ask for Gareth Jones.

Further details including Job Descriptions and Person Specifications are available via the following website:
www.walthamforest.gov.uk/Pages/index.aspx under “Apply for a job” or by searching directly at Jobs Go
Public whose website address is www.jobsgopublic.com
Application Information

Head of Cultural Programme
Reference CC/14/6167
Salary £45,606-£48,387 per annum
Hours 36 hours
Closing Date 17/12/14 23:30

It's an exciting time for Culture and Heritage in Waltham Forest, East London. With award winning cultural venues attracting global recognition, the borough has a lot to offer its residents and visitors.

Identified as a priority area by the Heritage Lottery Fund, culture and heritage are high on the Council's agenda.

To help deliver a range of exciting projects we have set up a new Culture and Heritage Services team and we're looking for enthusiastic people to join us.

Our cultural programme attracts thousands of people every year and we need someone to help develop and deliver it.

Ranging from high profile events and festivals to exhibitions and activities, the programme runs from a range of established venues including the award winning William Morris Gallery and Vestry House Museum, and community locations including local libraries and along our high streets.

Using your network of local and regional contacts, you will build on this successful programme by developing partnerships to enhance what we're already offering.

As a key member of the Culture and Heritage Services leadership team, you will work closely with the Head of Service and use your excellent communication skills to influence key stakeholders and decision makers. A creative thinker, you will not only have good ideas about what makes a great cultural programme, but the ability to spot and maximise opportunities to secure external funding.

For an informal chat about the role please contact Lorna Lee, Head of Cultural and Community Services, on 0208 496 3203.

Shortlisting date: 19th December 2014

Interview and test date: W/C 5th January 2014