Friday 19 December 2014

Mini Holland update 19-12-14

More about cycling

Stella neutral

mini Holland

WF Mini Holland

Ruckholt Road Plans

This week the anti Mini Holland campaign held a meeting in the Asian Centre with around 100 people attending. Interestingly in her absence Stella Creasy MP came in for some stick as she is not for or against but neutral. Someone from the audience wanted to know, as a constituent,  why their MP was not supporting them. It was then pointed out it is a Government scheme backed by the Mayor and encouraged by Cllr Loakes for Waltham Forest Council.

This was the first meeting of the opposition and it was taking its time to bed in so I left for another Christmas drinks party!

From Stella Creasy MP:


I'm writing to you as someone who has been in touch with my office regarding the 'Mini Holland' project in Walthamstow to remind you that the deadline for responding to the consultation regarding proposed road closures and amendments in the Walthamstow village area will end on Friday 19th December. Therefore if you want to feed in your comment you need to ensure you have responded to the council directly about this matter within the next 48 hours.

Please note that for the proposals around the Walthamstow village area, the Council is only accepting responses from residents who live in the area of the trial and those outside the trial but which are enclosed by Church Hill, Shernhall St, Hoe St and Lea Bridge Rd eg Folkestone Rd, St Mary's Rd. Therefore if you are not in this area this alert about this deadline is for information only. The link to all the details of the project and updates that the Council is providing can also be found here:


Since my last email to residents who have been in touch with me about this project- both those who support and those who have concerns- I have not had any further direct information from the Council to share with you about this scheme. However, I have seen feedback from other residents highlighting how the Council has responded to some of the issues they have raised and amended these plans accordingly, illustrating that the scheme is open to amendment as part of this process of consultation. Furthermore, the cycling campaigners would like to let residents know that the village proposal is part of a wider ambitious scheme for the borough, and as such there will be further proposals for other parts of Walthamstow coming forward in the New Year. If you would like to meet with this group or find out more about these plans please do let me know and I will put you in touch with them.

Whilst I appreciate this scheme has been subject to much debate and discussion both on and offline, I would like to stress again that as this is a project wholly run by Waltham Forest Council I have no formal power as your parliamentary representative to amend or reject the scheme. Whilst I have shared with the council the correspondence I have been sent, it is therefore absolutely vital that you ensure the Council and your local Councillors are aware of any changes you would like to see happen as they will determine the final outcome of this project. I will however continue to try to seek information about this proposal for local residents and to ensure that the information that is shared with me about this and any further proposals is shared as widely as possible with residents.

With kind regards and best wishes for the festive season,


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