Friday 5 December 2014

Re-opening of Palmerston Road

Subject: Routes W11 and W15 - Return to Palmerston Road

Dear Stakeholder,

In May 2012 Palmerston Road railway bridge in Walthamstow was closed for maintenance work. As a result routes W11 and W15 were temporarily diverted as follows:

·         Route W11 - via Forest Road, Hoe Street and Selbourne Road
·         Route W15 - via Forest Road, Blackhorse Road and South Grove

These works have now been completed and we expect that Palmerston Road will re-open on Monday 8 December 2014.

As a result routes W11 and W15 will return to their original line of routeing via Palmerston Road from the first bus on Saturday 13 December 2014.

There were requests received from residents and businesses to keep route W15 on its temporary diversion once Palmerston Road was re-opened. This was looked at in detail, but keeping route W15 on the temporary diversion and returning route W11 to the original routeing could lead to crowding on route W11. Furthermore route W15 is currently experiencing reliability issues on the temporary diversion. Therefore returning the W15 to its original route is seen as the preferred option.

However we will continue to look at options to provide some of the journey opportunities that were created when the W15 was on its temporary routeing by other means and will contact you again should there be any developments.

Yours faithfully

Lisa Corbett
Consultation Officer
Transport for London

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