Saturday 31 January 2015

Perform at the National

A fantastic opportunity to take part in a National Theatre performance as a community volunteer. Please feel free to forward this to your friends, networks and colleagues

Take the Stage at the National Theatre
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Take the Stage at the National Theatre
Passionate about performing?
Interested in making your mark on one of the nation’s great stages?
Ready to make a commitment to a once-in-a-lifetime experience?
The National Theatre is recruiting a Community Company to join an upcoming production of a classic play directed by Lyndsey Turner. The play tells the story of the English Civil War and of the men and women who dares to imagine a different future for our country.
We are looking for individuals to join our Community Company who have a passion for theatre, are able to sing, and are aged 21 andupwards. We are particularly keen for men to apply!
The Community Company will also be given the opportunity to make their own original show with an experienced director. Performed on one of the National Theatre’s famous stages. This show will be open to the public as well as friends and family.
We will be running open taster sessions at the end of January and beginning of February with individuals invited to join the second stage recruitment process in mid to late February.
Travel expenses and food will be provided but please note it is a voluntary, unpaid opportunity.
For more details please contact communitycompany@nationaltheatre.org.uk or 020 7452 3437
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The Royal National Theatre is a registered charity, no. 224223 and is registered in England as a company limited by guarantee, no. 749504, with its registered office at Upper Ground, London SE1 9PX. Privacy policy

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