Saturday 10 January 2015

Radical History Workshop

Hello everyone, some news from the Waltham Forest Radical History Workshop after a long time. In fact soloing two pieces of news at once.

In February and March we have a talk and a film, both held jointly with the Friends of the William Morris Gallery.

On Thursday 5 February 

Eleanor Marx: Feminist & Socialist pioneer a talk by Rachel Holmes

In her biography of the daughter of Karl Marx, Rachel Holmes uncovers a woman unrestrained by convention, lion-hearted and free. Eleanor Marx is, along with William Morris, at the epicentre of the birth of Socialism in Britain. A pioneer of feminism, trade union organisation and socialist struggle, Eleanor also experienced a deep sadness in her personal life.

Organised with Friends of the William Morris Gallery

Talk at 7.30pm

If you are a Friend of the WMG the cost is £5. For all non-Friends of the Gallery it will cost £8. This is a fund raising event for the Friends.

On Thursday 5 March
Film Screening —

Still Ragged: 100 Years of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropist

Friends of the William Morris Gallery in association with the Waltham Forest Radical History Workshop. 
The film will be introduced by filmmaker Daniel Draper, from Shut Out the Light (www.shutoutthelight.co.uk).

Alongside Morris’ News From Nowhere Robert Tressell’s book has had an enormous influence on the socialist and workers movemnet since its publication. For many thousands this is where they learnt how the  worker is robbed by ‘the money trick’. Tressell worked in Hastings for a time as a sign writer, and it was that experiance that is the bases for the novel.

FREE entry.

Important: Because of restricted space both must be booked in advance. (For Eleanor you can pay on the night).

Please reply to me for reserved place,

Hopefully from April we will meet monthly.


Mobile: 07973 443030

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