Friday 13 February 2015

St James Street Big Local

St James Street Big Local

Treasure Hunt & The Mill Exhibition
February 2015

Join us on a Treasure Hunt!

Local architects Alan Thompson and Kseniia Pundyk have been working with local school children to map the treasures in the St James Street area. Come to see what they have found and join one of our 2 free mapping workshops. They are suitable for all ages and perfect half term family fun! The exhibition runs from 11th to 21st February 2015 at The Mill on Coppermill Lane. Click here to register for workshops on 14th or 19th February or pop along to chat to our worker about any aspect of Big Local on 21st February 2-6pm.

Have your say!

Follow this link to the new Wikisurvey on our home page. We have taken the good ideas you gave us and we need your help to prioritise them by comparing the ideas two at a time. You can compare as many, or as few, of the ideas as you like. This will help to shape our work over the next few years, in spending the £1m allocated to the St James Street area over the next 10 years. The money can be used for almost anything that will make the area an even better place to live, for example training and employment schemes, new community facilities etc. It cannot be used for projects normally funded by the government, e.g. repairing potholes etc.  Over 5000 pairs have been compared so make sure you make you have your say in the survey which will run for another few months! 
Have your say - Click Here to take the Big Local Survey!

Applyng for the Big Local £1m

We are getting ready to make an application to Local Trust for the first part of our £1m this summer. We would like to make a film as our submission to qualify for the money. Are you a local film maker or musician who could help with this work?

We also have a new working party looking at governance and how best to structure St James Big Local so that it can last 10 years, and beyond. If you have experience of this and/or want to get involved then please do get in touch.

Lastly if you have any ideas, energy, experience and/or contacts which might be able to turn your good ideas into reality, then please let us know!

St James Street as Gateway to Walthamstow Wetlands!

Funding is now secured for Walthamstow Wetlands which is an amazing project to create Europe's largest urban wetland on our doorstep. The £8m project should be complete by 2017 and will be operated by The London Wildlife Trust. See the press release hereand like their Facebook page here to keep up with news!


Mayor's Big Green Poll: Walthamstow & Woodberry Wetlands Green Link

The Mayor of London is running the Big Green Poll from 21st January until 2nd March 2015 to find out which of 7 shortlisted projects has most public support. Projects with the most support will be in with the best chance of receiving funding from the £0.9m available. To vote for the new green route which will link St James Street to Manor House & Tottenham Hale via the new Walthamstow Wetlands centre, clickhere.

Find out more about Big Local at our website:   www.stjamesbiglocal.co.uk

Pass it on....... please 
forward this email to local people that you think might be interested.
The more people that know about Big Local and get involved, the better!
Copyright © 2015 St James Big Local, All rights reserved.
You are receiving this email because you opted in at our website or one of our community events.

Our mailing address is:
St James Big Local
St James's Street
Walthamstow, London E17 7PJ
United Kingdom

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