Friday 27 March 2015

How do Waltham Forest schools compare?

The DfE have published a new data set which compares GCSE VA performance across local authorities and Academy chains. It provides a current Best 8 VA measures and  an improvement measure for maintained schools. This indicates that Waltham Forest is 3rd nationally for current GCSE only Value Added and 8th nationally for Improvement in this measure. We are in the top 10 for all measures. It’s a fantastic achievement which also received an honourable mention in the Guardian ( national not local!) today.  We are still crunching all the data and will put together a press release, but thank you for all the hard work which has contributed to this.



Academies are not included in the LA figures but similar data for Academy Chains indicates that ULT are one of the better performing large Academy  chains so well done also to Walthamstow Academy for their contribution to that.

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