Friday 20 March 2015

Walthamstow Swimming Pool


Planning Committee Vote last Tuesday 10th March

Ian Capes
London, United Kingdom
14 Mar 2015 — It was no surprise when the council Planning Committee voted 4-1 in favour of this locally unconsulted plan. Only Cllr Karen Bellamy voted against just like last time. Genuine respect and thanks to her. It is actually a relief to get past the vote which was a foregone conclusion so we can concentrate on the real fight.

It is not possible to appeal against the planning decision now it is made BUT there is another route that is being explored. The whole process was flawed from the very start. The council is potentially vulnerable to a formal challenge on its conduct of this locally unconsulted £23m scheme. We will update you as and when we have something specific to report after taking professional advice.

In the meantime please keep passing this petition around to everyone you know who has not yet signed it. Especially if they live, work or study (age 11+) within Waltham Forest. Under published council rules 4,000 genuine local signatures forces a full open council debate on the wider issue of non-consultation with local people on this - and indeed many other projects.

Those ward councillors who really value their constituent's interests will take the opportunity to grill the key council leaders in the Cabinet on this scandal.

Thanks for your signatures and support to date. Please keep the petition moving. It really will help the longer term campaign to force wider scrutiny on the decision making process at Waltham Forest Town Hall.

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