Saturday 30 May 2015

EMD Sold

There seems to be some confusion about who has bought the EMD. According to WFM Cllr Robbins informs us Antic has bought it but other sources said RMP Properties had. The reality is so much money is needed to purchase it from UCKG and to restore the listed building various companies will be involved.

The most important aspect is that English Heritage ensure the building is properly restored to a high standard and Waltham Forest Planning department make sure they keep a close eye on what is going on. Restoring the building will not need planning permission but redevelopment may well need a planning application. So far Antic seem to have been economical with the truth so the question has to be asked why have their plans not been made public yet? Presumably the millions of pounds committed to the development have not been done just from ideas on the back of a fag packet.

Soho Theatre Company is ready with plans to run the finished venue but are they being included in the plans? - apparently Antic will have it ready by Christmas - my bet is it will not be Christmas 2015!!

EMD Sold

WF Guardian

Save Walthamstow Cinema

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